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A Night to Remember: The 2024 Sanctuary Mountain® Maungatautari Gala Dinner

At PomPom Events & Marketing, we pride ourselves on creating unforgettable experiences, and the 2024 Sanctuary Mountain® Maungatautari Gala Dinner - Mauri of the Maunga was no exception. Held in the stunning surroundings of Waikato's Mighty River Domain at Lake Karapiro, this event was a magical evening dedicated to conservation and community.Thanks to the incredible support from our attendees, we were able to raise a remarkable $75,000. These funds will directly contribute to the vital wor...

July 3, 2024

Event Alert!

We’re excited to be working alongside the acclaimed Sanctuary Mountain® Maungatatuari to bring to life their Gala Dinner - Mauri of the Maunga!Sanctuary Mountain® Maungatatuari is a mainland ecological island in the North Island of New Zealand. Surrounded by one of the world’s longest pest-proof fences, the ancient forest offers a sanctuary for populations of many of New Zealand’s most endangered species, such as birds, skinks, geckos, frogs, bats, and insects. Sanctuary Mountain® Maung...

April 16, 2024

Electra's back for another year!

The PomPom team are super excited to take on another year of the Electra Business & Innovation Awards! With the Event programme launching in April, this year's awards will take a different spin from previous years. We’ve combined entries for both the Main Awards and the Customer Experience (rebranded Top Shop Award) to further streamline the process and make it easier to shed light on the amazing work businesses in the Kāpiti and Horowhenua regions have been doing!We’re stoked to s...

March 23, 2024

Kia ora 2024! 👋

New year = new opportunities, a phrase that the PomPom team embraces to the fullest. We’re so excited to see what this year brings and how PomPom will continue to grow.Here’s what the team has in store for 2024:Charlotte - Read the Bible in a yearPilates - EVERY FridayComplete house reno's on our new little home by the beachTake the boys on an overseas tripTake my hubby away for his 50thNatalie - Focus on my health by creating good daily practices - gym, ocean sports, balanced diet...

February 13, 2024

A sit-down chat with Patricia!

It’s with a heavy heart that the PomPom team say goodbye to the wonderful Patricia! We took a second to sit down with her before her final sign-off to get some last words of advise.What was your favourite event memory? Seeing all of the HTT producers in their element on Taste Trail day, some new, some experienced - but all loving what they do.What can you not live without at events?Just one thing? My phone - or a bobby pin. It's amazing what a bobby pin can do.Where to from now?You might ...

November 17, 2023

Another Successful Year!

A massive round of applause to all the Electra Business & Innovation team for another successful Awards Night!After a full year of managing entrants, various events, organising judging rounds and of course the main event the Awards Night held mid-October, the PomPom team and the rest of the amazing supporting businesses can relax and revel in another successful event.With over 350 attendees, 22 Finalists, and a heap of wonderful local businesses and producers, the Electra Business & Inno...

October 24, 2023

WOW is about right!

Charlotte and Natalie held their annual strategy meeting in absolute style this year by making the trip down to the coolest little capital and attending the 2023 World of Wearable Arts!The trip was full of delicious meals, business meetings and of course, the main event, WOW. With our two founders living in different regions of the North Island, it’s always a great time when they get together. Both Charlotte and Natalie work to continue improving PomPom and these Strategy Meetings give them th...

September 28, 2023

“New” Client Alert!

PomPom has previously worked with the amazing team at Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari, and we’re super excited to welcome them back on board!Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari is a mainland ecological island in the North Island of New Zealand. Surrounded by one of the world’s longest pest-proof fences, the ancient forest offers a sanctuary for populations of many of New Zealand’s most endangered species, such as birds, skinks, geckos, frogs, bats, and insects.This time around, we’ll assis...

August 11, 2023

2023 so far!

As we pass swiftly by the middle of 2023 and enter the second half of the year, we’re taking a moment to reflect on the success so far and look towards what's coming up next! ...

July 18, 2023

Revising our messaging!

We’ve taken 2023 as an opportunity to sit down with the amazing Anna from ACS Marketing to review our messaging and make sure that we’re still on track after 5years in business! It’s always good to get an outside perspective from someone who isn’t apart of the PomPom team and use it as an opportunity to grow. Anna was able to look at all the amazing work we’ve done in the past few years and look at our business through a different lens and give advice with a fresh point of view! R...

June 6, 2023

Creative solutions for your business

Events and marketing is in our blood (and name!) Our mission was to create a dynamic business covering all the bases. So whether you need someone to manage your next big event, handle a targeted marketing campaign or just help tell people what you do - we can help. We’re proud to provide a multitude of services for all walks of life, from corporates to charities; we’re the team for you. With creative solutions and over 25 years of combined events and communications experience at an inte...

May 4, 2023

Delivering Conscious Events

Did you know that PomPom is a sustainable business? It’s something we’re super proud of but haven’t been very vocal about as it’s just something we do in our day-to-day, but after a recent chat with the folks at Kāpiti Coast NZ, we thought it would be a great idea to tell all of you!During the interview, Charlotte says “Sustainability is incorporated into all aspects of the journey when working with us on events. Right from the beginning it is incorporated into a client’s or ev...

April 12, 2023

2023 Western Bay Community Awards

This March we have had the absolute pleasure of working alongside the wonderful people at TECT to produce the Western Bay Community Awards for 2023! These awards recognise the hard work and dedication of the Western Bay of Plenty’s philanthropic community.The Awards are organised by TECT, a community-focused trust, they provide support for local initiatives, facilities and events that bring vibrancy, connectedness, growth and economic benefits to the Western Bay of Plenty and Tauranga regions....

March 21, 2023

Welcome Back!

We are so excited to be back behind the wheel for another year! 2023 has some major plans in store for us and we are super stoked to be able to take you along with us for the ride.This year sees us continuing on working alongside our current clients as well as working towards building our client portfolio with like-minded businesses looking for marketing or event support (some who are even looking for both!) With our corporate clients on the rise, we’ll be looking into even more ways that we c...

February 8, 2023

What do no COVID restrictions mean?

Phew, what a rollercoaster the last few years have been!  We’re relieved as we’re sure many of you are as well for the COVID restrictions to be lifting. As we move towards normal life pre-2020, we would like to look back at the effects the pandemic has had on the events industry and share our thoughts on what the future looks like.  The events industry along with all public-facing industries was hit particularly hard by not only the lockdowns but also the increased health and safet...

October 4, 2022

The PomPom Team is Growing!

With Charlotte and Natalie still at the helm as co-owners, the business and client list has steadily grown over the last few years to a point that we have needed to bring in more hands!  We’d love to introduce you to some of the new and old faces on our team!  Nichole recently joined the team in a Marketing & Communications capacity. With a decade of experience in the digital marketing space, Nichole is a force to be reckoned with! She is also a freelance photographer and strives to ...

September 1, 2022

Exciting news!

"We are really excited to be apart of this great community event in the Horowhenua region. With our team being enthusiastic foodies and our passion for supporting community groups, the Horowhenua Taste Trail is a great fit for PomPom. We are working hard behind the scenes with Producers to shape this years trail and we look forward to sharing more information on what this years event will include in the coming weeks!" - Natalie Rutene, Founding Partner....

August 3, 2022

TEDxKāpiti Success

PomPom has had a busy month, with the Work Ready Kāpiti #SuperMeet, the Electra launch events and the TEDxKāpiti extravaganza. It was all hands on deck ensuring that all our events ran smoothly.  Read on to find out more about Charlotte's time supporting with the TEDxKāpiti event! What is TEDx?TEDx is a program of local, self-organised events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and c...

June 30, 2022

We're Hiring!

Marketing & Event Coordinator - Job Description Our Marketing & Event Coordinator works for a variety of clients primarily within the Wellington/ Kāpiti region. We are fortunate to work with a large majority of not for profits, so if you are after a role that also provides that feel-good factor - then this is for you. This is a really varied role that will ensure you are always doing something different and growing your skill-set on a daily basis!  This is a 20-30hr contractor role, you wi...

June 16, 2022

TEDxKāpiti Tickets

We are super excited to announce that ticket sales for TEDxKāpiti are now on sale! What is TEDx?TEDx is a program of local, self-organised events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. Every TEDx event is given a theme, and in 2022 Kāpiti and Horowhenua will be embracing the theme “Emerge” for its inaugural event. With wonderful speakers from across the re...

May 17, 2022

COVID and Events

With Aotearoa shifting to the orange traffic light setting, the events industry is waking up from a long hibernation! The team here at PomPom Events & Marketing are looking forward to getting back out into the community and providing memorable events in a safe environment. As with many small, in-person focused businesses the past two years have come with a multitude of pressures, bottlenecks and obstacles. The constant shifts and uncertainty have meant that we as a business have had to make sure...

May 3, 2022

TEDXKāpiti Emerges!

The first-ever TEDxKāpiti event is due to take place on the 25th June 2022 and we are part of it! With the theme Emerge, the full day event to be held at Te Raukura ki Kāpiti is focussed on sharing new ideas!  For those of you that have yet to come across TEDx, TEDx is a program of local, self-organised events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience.  At a TEDx event, TED Talks, videos and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small grou...

March 31, 2022

Meet our giveaway winner!

At the end of 2021, we got into the festive spirit and gave away our full Event Management 101 course to one lucky winner!  Meet Leonie, we had the pleasure of interviewing her to see what makes her tick! What made you interested in events?I'm not entirely sure, from as long as I can remember I have had an interest in organising events from events for friends such as baby showers and hens nights, to my time in a work social club where I worked up to being the vice-president! What do you do ...

March 8, 2022

New Year = big plans!

After a very relaxing break, the PomPom team are super excited to ring in the new year with huge plans in the works! From a super-sized Work Ready Kāpiti #EmployerMeet coming up in March to taking on more responsibilities with EVolocity as their Event Managers’ for the National competition and Coordinator roles for the Waikato, Manawatu and Wellington regions, we are definitely hitting the ground running for 2022!  The #SuperMeet will be focusing on connecting youth and employers in the ...

February 3, 2022

2021, what a year!

For PomPom, 2021 has meant staying on our toes and working hard to make sure we can continue to provide excellent service to clients and guests alike.  The last few months of this year have been some of the most intense, with four of our largest events, the Work Ready Kāpiti Annual Awards, the Electra Business & Innovation Awards and both the Wellington/Manawatu and Taranaki EVolocity Regionals all in October and November! With COVID’s constant influence we were on our toes and ensuring ...

December 19, 2021 Posts 1-25 of 37 | Page next

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